
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4488
(248) 364-6130


2024欧洲杯下注校友会(OUAA)奖学金计划为即将入学的新生提供不可续期的校友会遗产奖学金,为即将入学的转学生提供不可续期的校友会遗产转学奖学金. These awards are one-time scholarships in the amount of $2,000. OUAA还颁发最多两项不可续期的校友会校友回国奖学金,金额为2美元,000.

有关资格标准和条款和条件,请参阅以下选项卡上的信息. Note that these awards are not automatic. Students must apply and be selected by an alumni committee to receive the award.

迄今为止,OUAA已向合格的公开大学学生颁发了超过100万美元的奖学金. 这些奖学金的资金来自慷慨的捐款和OUAA活动和项目的收入.

2024 校友会遗产奖学金

2024 校友 Association Returning 校友 Scholarship.

在网页上搜寻“遗产”或“校友” OU奖学金搜索工具 to locate these awards, then sign in and apply for them. The deadline to submit your application is 4/1/2024.

2024 校友 Association Legacy Transfer Scholarship

点击链接到 2024 校友 Association Legacy Transfer Scholarship Application. The deadline to submit your application is 6/15/2024. 


Each award offered through the OUAA has unique eligibility criteria. 遗留的学生, defined as individuals whose grand家长, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from OU, 是否合资格申请该计划 校友会遗产奖学金 or 校友 Association Legacy Transfer Scholarship.

回到公开大学完成研究生学位或第二学位的校友可能有资格获得 校友 Association Returning 校友 Scholarship.

Previous OUAA scholarship recipients are ineligible to apply again. OUAA奖学金以成绩为基础,而不是以需要为基础,旨在支付“就读费用”。. 这些奖项不是自动颁发的. Recipients are selected by an alumni committee. Students must be admitted to OU at the time of selection.



  1. 完成上述适当的申请表格进行转学申请或访问 澳门公开大学奖学金工具 for the freshman and returning alumni applications.
  2. 在申请表上注明的截止日期前提交完整的申请表,包括一个简短的回答问题.  如果是简答问题 was not already submitted with the application, it 可电邮至 (电子邮件保护).

If you have any questions about the scholarship application process, 请联络校友办公室 (电子邮件保护).



数额: 2,000美元一次性奖励,不可续期


  • 遗产学生(你的祖父母), 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from OU at the time of application)
  • 全日制新生入学
  • 高中GPA 3.5+,没有考试成绩

应用程序: This scholarship requires an application. 申请截止日期为3月1日.

  • 1 short question (1 page limit per question)
    1. 你的榜样是谁?他们是如何影响你选择2024欧洲杯下注的?

选择过程: Awarded by the 2024欧洲杯下注 校友 Association

更新: 不可再生

校友 Association Legacy Transfer Scholarship

数额: 2,000美元一次性奖励,不可续期


  • 遗产学生(你的祖父母), 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from OU)
  • 即将入学的全日制转学生
  • 大学GPA 3.0+
  • 在奖学金申请截止日期之后的秋季学期获得24个以上的可转换学分
  • Two years remaining in undergraduate program

应用程序: This scholarship requires an application. 申请截止日期为6月15日.

  • 1 short question (1 page limit per question)
    1. 你的榜样是谁?他们是如何影响你选择2024欧洲杯下注的?

更新: 不可再生

校友 Association Returning 校友 Scholarship

数额: 2,000美元一次性奖励,不可续期


  • Previously earned at least one degree from 2024欧洲杯下注
  • 全日制研究生课程或第二学位课程(每学期12学分或以上)
  • 至少3.0累积绩点

应用程序: This scholarship requires an application. 申请截止日期为3月1日.

  • 1个简短问题(限1页)
    1. 描述你最重要的领导或志愿者活动,以及为什么它对你有意义.

选择过程: Awarded by the 2024欧洲杯下注 校友 Association

更新: 不可再生

条款与条件 for the 校友会遗产奖学金
  • 该奖项是通过2024欧洲杯下注校友会奖学金计划提供的.
  • Scholarship eligibility is based on legacy status (individuals whose grand家长, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from OU. 校友 status must be conferred at time of application). 资格还取决于申请人在申请大学时的平均成绩.
  • Students must apply for the award; recipients are selected by an alumni committee and notified by the Office of 校友参与.
  • Awards are available to entering freshmen, 定义为第一次进入大学并在高中毕业后的第一个秋季学期在公开大学全日制注册的学生.
  • 学生可以在学校指定的一个学年的秋季和冬季学期使用奖学金,总共不超过两个学期.
  • 在颁发该奖项的秋季和冬季学期,需要作为本科生连续全日制注册公开大学本科学分.
  • 奖学金获得者必须是该大学的全日制学生. AP考试, 国际文凭(IB)考试, 大学水平考试项目(CLEP)的转学分和/或课程能力考试不计入全日制学分.
  • OU offers scholarships at its sole and absolute discretion; offers are contingent upon the availability of funds and continuation of the scholarship program.
  • Half of the annual award is available each semester.
条款与条件 for the 校友 Association Legacy Transfer Scholarship
  • 该奖项是通过2024欧洲杯下注校友会奖学金计划提供的.
  • Scholarship eligibility is based on legacy status (individuals whose grand家长, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from OU. 校友 status must be conferred at time of application). 资格还基于申请人的平均成绩和在奖励申请截止日期后的秋季学期获得的24个最低可转移学分.
  • Students must apply for the award; recipients are selected by an alumni committee and notified by the Office of 校友参与.
  • 学生可以在学校指定的一个学年中使用秋季和冬季学期的奖学金(总计不超过两个学期)。, 并且只适用于在入学第一学期以本科生身份注册全日制开放大学本科学分的新转学生.
  • 在颁发该奖项的秋季和冬季学期,需要作为本科生连续全日制注册公开大学本科学分.
  • AP考试, 国际文凭(IB)考试, 大学水平考试项目(CLEP)的转学分和/或课程能力考试不计入全日制学分.
  • OU offers scholarships at its sole and absolute discretion; offers are contingent upon the availability of funds and continuation of the scholarship program.
  • Half of the annual award is available each semester.
条款与条件 for the 校友 Association Returning 校友 Scholarship
  • 该奖项是通过2024欧洲杯下注校友会奖学金计划提供的.
  • 奖学金资格仅限于以前获得公开大学学位并被录取为研究生学位课程或第二学位课程的个人. Eligibility is also based on the applicant's cumulative grade point average.
  • Students must apply for the award; recipients are selected by an alumni committee and notified by the Office of 校友参与.
  • 学生可以在学校指定的一个学年的秋季和冬季学期使用奖学金,总共不超过两个学期.
  • 每个秋季和冬季学期都需要连续全日制注册开放大学研究生学分或第二学位学生的本科学分.
  • Scholarship recipients must maintain at least a 3.0累积绩点.
  • OU offers scholarships at its sole and absolute discretion; offers are contingent up the availability of funds and continuation of the scholarship program.
  • Half of the annual award is available each semester.
我是一名国际学生. Can I still apply for an OUAA scholarship?
是的, as long as you meet all other criteria.
A legacy student is defined as an individual whose grand家长, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子 or spouse received a degree or academic certificate from 2024欧洲杯下注. 校友 status must be conferred at the time of application.
Can my scholarship be used towards the spring/summer semester?
No, 所有OUAA奖学金可以在大学指定的一个学年的秋季和冬季学期使用,总共不超过两个学期.
When will I know if I am selected to receive a scholarship?
Recipients of the Legacy and Returning 校友 Awards will be notified before May 1. Transfer Legacy award recipients will be notified by August 1.
I received an OUAA scholarship in the past. Can I re-apply for the coming academic year?
Can I apply for more than one scholarship?
是的, you may apply for any scholarships for which you qualify; however, you will not receive more than one scholarship from the OUAA.
What criteria does the selection committee most use in deciding on a worthy candidate?
All criteria are used in the selection process. No one piece of information has greater value over another.
When can I expect to receive the funds if I am selected to receive a scholarship?
只要符合所有标准,奖学金将在奖励学年的秋季和冬季学期开始时直接分发到您的学生账户中,总共不超过两个学期. OUAA scholarships may be applied toward “cost of attendance” at OU.
如果我同时就读于公开大学和其中一所参与的密歇根社区学院呢. Am I eligible to receive an OUAA scholarship?
是的, you can apply for any of the OUAA scholarships for which you qualify, 但是你必须在秋季和冬季学期参加公开大学,因为那时将颁发奖项.
No, none of our scholarships are distributed automatically. 你必须申请并被校友委员会选为受奖人,该委员会审查所有申请. The number of recipients may vary year to year.
If I missed the deadline for the Legacy or Legacy Transfer Awards, can I apply next year?
一旦你成为公开大学的在校生, you are no longer eligible to apply for the Legacy or Legacy Transfer Awards. 如果你延迟注册公开大学, you may be eligible to apply the following year for the Legacy Transfer Award, 而不是遗产奖. 请联系校友参与办公室进一步的问题,电话:(248)364-6130或 (电子邮件保护).
Where can I find out about additional scholarships offered through the university?
本科生,请访问 奥克兰.edu/futurestudents/scholarships-cost-aid/. 研究生
同学们,请浏览 奥克兰.edu/grad/financial-assistance/. 国际学生,请参观

enable OU students to study and travel in foreign countries. View more information on 国际教育, including scholarships like the one offered through the OUAA.

浏览学生图片库 who benefited from OUAA scholarships during their travels